Can we just pause for a moment and revel in the hilarity of a club called the Stud Club? Hilarity and brilliance. Because...STUD CLUB. Good times, good times.With a series name of Stud Club, you know it's going to have the kind of humor that doesn't take itself too seriously. So while it does get emotional (and seriously, give me a romance that doesn't--wait, don't), it doesn't have the same kind of emotion tugging that, say, the Sarah MacLean books I read did. And you know what? That's perfectly OKAY. Too much of the same is bad.I liked Amelia even though I, like Spencer, thought her faith in her brother was a wee bit misplaced. But it also gave the story part of its push and pull, so can you really fault her too much? No. You can't. I do wish her need to put people in front of her own desires was explored a little more, but...I was satisfied. (As were Amelia and Spencer. Multiple times. But they might have been satisfied in different way than I was...)Moving on.Spencer was a delight. Fun. Romantic while denying every moment of it. And his being completely bewitched by Amelia was so very entertaining. Because he doesn't know why, but he just goes with it. On gut instinct. Wait. It may have not been his gut. But either way, he goes after what he wants without looking too closely at why. Rawr.One aspect of One Dance with a Duke that I appreciated was the inclusion of family. It wasn't a strong family-family kind of book. (I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds right.) But it did feature familial ties and that matters for something.You can bet I'm going to seek out books two and three in this Stud Club trilogy. Heh.