Somewhere between 3.5 and 4. I DON'T KNOW.Original review: am so conflicted about this book that it took me ages to semi-decide on a rating. There were a lot of aspects that I liked in Insurgent, but there were also a lot of aspects that I disliked. Rather than doing a traditional review, I think I’m simply going to break it down into a list of likes and dislikes, as well as what I was so conflicted about. I promise to do my BEST to speak in the vaguest of terms to avoid spoilers. I assume the comments section will abound with them, though, so watch for that.Dislikes1. Tris, throughout approximately half of the book. *shakes Tris* I hate the “I’m so alone, I can’t tell ANYONE ANYTHING” angst.2. THE CLIFFHANGER. I honestly had to reread the last few pages because I was all like, “WHA….???”3. Insurgent didn’t grab me and pull me in the way Divergent did. If I hadn’t been reading with Kristilyn, I think I would have put it off more.4. Feeling as though I had no idea what we real and what was not.5. It was often difficult to keep up with ALL THE CHARACTERS.Likes1. Feeling as though I had no idea what we real and what was not. (Yes, this is both a like and dislike.)2. Tris, for the other half of the book, where she finally “got it” and was being the strong, determined Tris I wanted.3. THE KISSING, and how the “to do more than kissing or not” aspect was dealt with.4. Getting MOAR INFORMATION at the end.5. Despite what I didn’t like, I still read this in a single day. The book did recover itself.6. The ending. Despite my dislike of the cliffhanger, I really feel like the ending saved the book for me.My Conflicts1. Tris and Four’s relationship.2. The number of deaths.3. What Divergent and divergence really mean for the world.