Having just finished Tricked (Iron Druid Chronicles, #4), I wasn't quite ready to let go of Atticus and his world, so I moseyed on over to Kevin Hearne's website to get myself a couple short stories. Since Clan Rathskeller is set before the series begins, I figured I'd read everything in chronological order.If you haven't picked up this series and hesitate to do so, Clan Rathskeller gives us a brief glimpse at Atticus and Oberon and the supernatural shenanigans that befall them. It is a good introduction to the Iron Druid Chronicles and representative of what you'll find: lots of awesome.If you are familiar with this series, Clan Rathskeller is a fun romp in Atticus's world before all the crazy starts. Well, scratch that; there's crazy here, too. Regardless, it is FUN. There is Oberon and a Druid and faeries and nakedness. Good times.Clan Rathskeller was a free short story I downloaded from Kevin Hearne's website on January 22, 2013 for the Why Buy the Cow? reading challenge.