11 Following

Amanda Shofner

Grand Mistress of On a Book Bender. On the path of least revision. Wine supplier for grammar pain sufferers. #BecauseWine. Idea wrangler. Wielder of words. Black coffee drinker.

Currently reading

Jayne Castle
Diana Peterfreund
Bad Behavior
Jennifer Lane
The False Prince
Jennifer A. Nielsen
Light of the Moon (Legend of the Dreamer, Book 1)
David James
Amaryllis (St. Helen's Series #1)

Glitches (Lunar Chronicles, #0.5)

Glitches (Lunar Chronicles, #0.5) - Marissa Meyer CINDER! If you follow me on my blog, it probably won't surprise you to know that Cinder (and the Lunar Chronicles series) is a favorite. There was serious flailing happening. When Kelly told me about Glitches--free on Amazon at the time--it was an instant download. No regret there. NONE.Though this book is set well before the events in Cinder, I think that it's something that best read after Cinder. It simply has more meaning when you're able to understand the origins of Cinder's New Beijing story--something that we learn about in both Cinder and Scarlet, but that is never quite as detailed as the story in Glitches.If you're a fan of the Lunar Chronicles series, you won't want to miss Glitches. It'll help tide you over until Scarlet. And it's only 19 pages! You really can't go wrong.Glitches was a free Kindle book I downloaded on December 20th, 2012 for the Why Buy the Cow? reading challenge.