11 Following

Amanda Shofner

Grand Mistress of On a Book Bender. On the path of least revision. Wine supplier for grammar pain sufferers. #BecauseWine. Idea wrangler. Wielder of words. Black coffee drinker.

Currently reading

Jayne Castle
Diana Peterfreund
Bad Behavior
Jennifer Lane
The False Prince
Jennifer A. Nielsen
Light of the Moon (Legend of the Dreamer, Book 1)
David James
Amaryllis (St. Helen's Series #1)

The Dead Girls' Dance (Morganville Vampires Series #2)

The Dead Girls' Dance (Morganville Vampires, Book 2) - Rachel Caine 3.5I like these books. They're quick and fun, but ALL THE THINGS! happen. The city of Morganville really intrigues me, and enough happened in this book that I'm curious how it will continue to play out in future books.