Actual rating 3.5Original review: I got Web of Lies, Venom, and Tangled Threads during one library trip, I attempted to read them over a single weekend. This strategy worked great for reading Web of Lies and Venom, but I crashed and burned a bit with Tangled Threads, which is why it took me a little longer than usual to finish; I didn’t struggle with Tangled Threads, I struggled with reading in general, if that makes sense.The only reason Tangled Threads doesn’t rate a full 8 (or, 4 stars) for me is the repetitiveness. We hear the same descriptions about characters in each book, multiple times. Whereas I was able to overlook it before, it is becoming more difficult now. This repetitiveness is, however, really my only complaint. Jennifer Estep has created a fabulous series and excellent characters that make for a satisfying and entertaining read.Tangled Threads furthers the story arc between Mab Monroe and Gin, namely through an arrogant assassin named Elektra. Throughout the series thus far, we’ve been exposed to the different types of elemental magic: Gin’s stone and ice, Mab’s fire, Jo-Jo’s air, and Owen’s metal. Elektra introduces us to electrical magic with a shock. And yes, pun fully intended. Gin continues to doubt her own elemental magic abilities, but she is coming to rely on them more frequently as the series progresses and she is forced up against others with elemental magic. I find this keeps the books interesting, and allows Gin’s character to develop and change throughout the series. And clearly, as if the book doesn’t hint at it enough, eventually Gin will have to use her elemental magic to defeat Mab.To me, the focus of Tangled Threads, other than Mab, is really on the relationship between Gin and her sister Bria, and what happened to their family. Finn, Jo-Jo, Sophia, and the rest of the gang seem to take a lesser role. But we finally get to witness, through Gin’s dreams/memories, what happened that fateful night. And of course, there are some interesting secrets there, too. Learning about what happened when Mab killed Gin’s mother and older sister sets the stage for the epic showdown between Gin and Mab that will be coming in Spider’s Revenge. As for Owen, I am rather satisfied with how that relationship is progressing.