11 Following

Amanda Shofner

Grand Mistress of On a Book Bender. On the path of least revision. Wine supplier for grammar pain sufferers. #BecauseWine. Idea wrangler. Wielder of words. Black coffee drinker.

Currently reading

Jayne Castle
Diana Peterfreund
Bad Behavior
Jennifer Lane
The False Prince
Jennifer A. Nielsen
Light of the Moon (Legend of the Dreamer, Book 1)
David James
Amaryllis (St. Helen's Series #1)

Eternal Kiss of Darkness (Night Huntress World Series #2)

Eternal Kiss of Darkness (Night Huntress World Series #2) - I love the world that Jeaniene Frost has created with her Night Huntress series, and have really enjoyed getting to know the side characters better in the Night Huntress World series.I read this book in an afternoon, and quite frankly blew right through it. In many ways, the story was over too soon, but I think that’s more because I read the book straight through with few interruptions rather than the book itself. I lacked time to mull the story over in my head and really become connected to the book. (note to self: slow down next time) This is a typical Jeaniene Frost book though, which means that it’s awesome.I really enjoyed getting to know Mencheres and Kira. They don’t quite have the same snark as Cat and Bones (but really, who could?), but I still connected with them. After the previous books, there seemed to be a lot of mystery surrounding Mencheres, and this gave us a chance to know him better. You got the feeling that behind all that power was a lot of responsibility, and a tortured soul that you had to love. Mencheres handles it well. Kira was a good match for him.